FQA xxx, FQADxxAtmospheric humidityCapacitive with NTC FHA646xxx
Digital temperature / humidity sensor FHAD46x
Digital temperature / humidity sensor FHAD36Rx
Psychrometric with NTC FNA846
Psychrometric with Pt100 (2 plugs) FPA8363
Digital psychrometer FNAD46, FNAD463Dew pointDigital dewpoint sensor FHA646DTC1
Dew detector FHA9461Moisture in materialsWater detection probe FHA936WD
Sensor for measuring moisture in materials FHA696MF
Moisture probe for wood FHA636MFx, FHA696MFS1
Material moisture sensor for granulates FHA696GF1
Moisture in the soil FDA602TMAir flowRotating vanes for air FVAD15Sxxx, FVAD15MA1. Ikke muligt at lave en gennemsnits målingskanal.
Differential pressure for Pitot tube FDA602S1K, FDA602S6K
Thermo-anemometer probe FVAD35THxx. Ikke muligt at lave en gennemsnits målingskanal.
Thermo-electric flow sensor FVA605TAxx. Ikke muligt at lave en gennemsnits målingskanal.Pressure
Pressure transducer for liquid and gaseous media FDA602Lxx
Temp.-compensated pressure transducer FD8214
Differential transmitter FDA602D
Digital pressure sensor FDAD33, FDAD35M
Pressure transducer, for wall mounting FD8612DPS/APS/DPT
Barometric pressure FDA612SA
Barometric pressure, digital FDAD12SA
Plug-in probe for differential pressure FDA612SR, FDA602SxK
Push / pull force FKAxxx. Kun midlertidig zeroing er muligt, dermed ikke continuerligt valid data.
Tachometer FUA9192
Displacement transducer, potentiometric FWAxxxT. Kun midlertidig zeroing er muligt, dermed ikke continuerligt valid data.
Displacement gauge, potentiometric FWAxxxTR. Kun midlertidig zeroing er muligt, dermed ikke continuerligt valid data.
Axial turbine flowmeter for liquids FVA915VTHxxx
Flow sensor with temperature FVA645GVx
Electrical variables
Split-core-type transformer for AC current FEA6042, FEA604MN
ALMEMO® measuring modules for
DC voltage, DC ZA9900ABx, ZA9901ABx
AC voltage, AC ZA 903ABx, ZA9904ABx
Meteo Multi (2 plugs) FMA 10, FMA510H
Wind velocity sensor FVA615-2
Wind direction sensor FVA614
Rainfall and precipitation sensor FRA916, FRA916H
Rainfall detector FRA616D
Radiation probe head FLA613x
Star pyranometer FLA628S
Indoor climate and air conditioning
Globe thermometer FPA805GTS
Optical radiation
Radiation sensor FLA603x
Radiation sensor FLA613x
Radiation sensor FLA623x
Digital color temperature sensor FLAD23CCTx
Water analysis
pH One-Bar Measuring Chain FY96PHx
Redox-One-Bar Measuring Chain FY9RXEK
Conductivity probe FYA641LFxxx
Oxygen sensor FYA640O2
Gas concentrations in air
Digital carbon dioxide sensor, hand-held FYAD00CO2
Carbon dioxide probe FYA600CO2
Carbon monoxide probe FYA600CO
Oxygen probe FYA600O2
Ozone measuring transducer FYA600O3
Gas probes FYA600Ax
Infra-red temperature measurement
ALMEMO® infra-red probe head FIA844
Infra-red probe MR7838, MR7842
Hand-held IR device MR781420SB
Digital IR sensor FIAD43. Ikke muligt at modificerer emissivitet.