Kalibrator BURSTER DIGISTANT 4463 med særlig stor nøjagtighed, lav drift og minimal støj samt med særlig god langtidsstabilitet og hurtig indsvingstid. Ideel kalibrator til måle- og reguleringstekniske produkter, for anvendelse i afprøvning, laboratorier m.v. Hver 4463 sælges inklusive DAkkS certifikat.
I forhold til andre kalibratorer har denne en bedre “error-limit” på 0,002 % over hele spændingsområdet
* DC spænding : ±100 nV … ±100 V (nøjagtighed fra 0.002 %)
* DC strøm : ±100 nA … ±50 mA (nøjagtighed 0.005 % ±1 µA)
* 12 thermocouple typer (nøjagtighed fra 0.1 K)
* 32 automatiske rampefunktioner per målt variabel, hver med 100 værdier
* LabView driver til softwareintegration
* Referencetemperatur : 23 °C ±10 °C (spænding, strøm, thermocouple simulering og frekvens) // 23 °C ±2°C (RTD and modstand)
* Display Grafisk Farve-LCD, med LED baggrundbelysning (se billede nedenfor med eksempel)
* Driftsspænding 115/230 V ±10%, 47 til 63 Hz.
* Dimensioner, vægt 220 x 173 x 320 mm (BxHxD), ca. 6 kg.
* RS-232 (D-sub 9), USB slave port (type B), Ethernet Western (RJ45)
For mere information kontakt os på tlf. 75522020
RTD simulering Pt100 … Pt1000, Ni100 … Ni1000
User-specifik RTD profiler
True ohmsk modstandssimulering 10 Ω … 300 kΩ
Frekvenssimulering 10 mHz … 15 kHz
Frekvensmåling 10 mHz … 100 kHz
External reference junction
4485-V001 – for an accurate simulation of thermocouples, Connection: Miniature thermo plug connection (se billede nedenfor)
* Tolerance : ±0.3 K
* Long-term drift (stability) : Typically 0.05 K/year
* Insulation resistance between the poles in the disconnected state : ≥ 20 MΩ
* Working temperature range : 0 °C … +23 °C … +40 °C
4463-Z001 – Mounting plate for 19” rack installation
4485-V001 – External reference junction with LEMO connector, 0.3 m cable
9900-K342 – 4 measuring leads, extra low thermoelectric voltage Cu/Te safety connectors (with protective sleeve, length 1 m)
9900-K333 – RS-232 connecting cable, length 3.0 m
9900-K349 – USB connecting cable, length 2.0 m
9900-K328 – BNC connecting cable, length 3.0 m
DAkkS Calibration Certificates
Første kalibrering er inkluderet ved købet af denne højpræcisions kalibrator.
Information fra Burster : The DIGISTANT®4463 is a high-quality calibration source that comes with a DAkkS certificate. We recommend recalibrating the DIGISTANT® 4463 every 12 months
DAkkS certificate for external reference junction type 4485-V001
At 3 points (0 °C, +23 °C and +40 °C). If the reference junction is DAkkS-calibrated with the integrated Pt100 sensor and the calculated coefficients are entered in the DIGISTANT® 4463, the additional measurement error for the Pt100 measuring channel can be reduced to ≤ ±0.1 K for a measurement range of +15 °C … +35 °C.
44DKD-4463-V0000 – DKD/DAkkS calibration including adjustment and 2nd calibration for version -V0000 (U, I, TC)
44DKD-4463-V0001 – DKD/DAkkS calibration including adjustment and 2nd calibration for version -V0001 (U, I, TC, R, RTD, f*) * Separate factory certificate to supplement the DAkkS certificate
44DKD-4485 – DKD/DAkkS calibration for external reference junction (Pt100 sensor); calibration points: 0 °C, +23 °C and +40 °C
44ABG – Calibration of 4463 measuring chain with 4485, kun muligt i kombination med 44DKD-4485 + 4485-V001