
Rigol DG800 Pro


Rigol DG800 Pro serie

DG800 Pro er en serie kompakte letvægts funktionsgeneratorer med arbitrær funktion.
Med 16 bits vertikalopløsning og 3 ns ”rise time”.
RIGOL udvikler deres egne chipsets til bl.a. DG800 Pro, og kan derfor levere høj ydeevne til en lav pris.

DG800 Pro, instrument med mange muligheder:

  • Funktionsgenerator. 
  •  – Generer Sinus, firkant, sawtooth, puls signaler og meget mere.
    – Udgangsfrekvens op til 50 MHz.
    Vilkårlig- eller arbitrær generator.
    – Kan sættes til kontinuerlig, modulation, frekvens sweep, burst og sekvens.
    – Simulerer blandt andet motorstøj, cardiogrammer, trappepulser, dual tone, radar signaler, jordskælvs pulser, vokal signaler mm.
     – Bruges til blandt andet frekvens respons i kredsløb, støjspektre, filter effektivitet mm.
     – Angiv “puls bredde” (duty cycle), “Rise” (%) og “Fall” (%), til brugerdefinerede elektriske pulser.
    Harmonisk generator.
    – Simulering af harmonisk støj op til 20. harmoniske fra bærebølge. Til blandt andet test af båndpasfiltre.
    Analog & digital modulator.
     – Genererer en moduleret bærebølge, både analoge og digitale signaler.
     – Analog: AM, FM, PM
    – Digital: ASK, FSK, PSK, PWM & SUM.
     – Op til 500 MHz.
    Sample rate
     – 625 Mega-samples per sekund (Ms/s).
    Arbitrær bølgeformslængde
    – Op til 8 mio. punkter pr. kanal.


  • 1 x USB kabel
  • 1 x BNC kabel
  • 1 x Strømforsyning
  • 3 års garanti (gælder ikke tilbehør)

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DG821 Pro


Frekvens op til: 25 MHz
Kanaler: 1
Frequens karakteristik:

  • Sinus:         1 μHz – 25 MHz 1
    Firkant:       1 μHz – 20 MHz
    Puls:           1 μHz – 10 MHz
    Arbitrær:     1 μHz – 10 MHz
    Harmonisk: 1 mHz – 10 MHz
DG822 Pro


Frekvens op til: 25 MHz
Kanaler: 2
Frequens karakteristik:

  • Sinus:         1 μHz – 25 MHz 1
    Firkant:       1 μHz – 20 MHz
    Puls:           1 μHz – 10 MHz
    Arbitrær:     1 μHz – 10 MHz
    Harmonisk: 1 mHz – 10 MHz
DG852 Pro


Frekvens op til: 50 MHz
Kanaler: 2
Frequens karakteristik:

  • Sinus:         1 μHz – 50 MHz 1
    Firkant:       1 μHz – 40 MHz
    Puls:           1 μHz – 25 MHz
    Arbitrær:     1 μHz – 15 MHz
    Harmonisk: 1 mHz – 25 MHz

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Sample Rate 625 MSa/s
Vertical Resolution 16 bits
Waveform Memory Depth 2 Mpts/CH (standard), 8 Mpts/CH (optional)
Waveform Output
Output Mode Continuous, Modulation, Sweep, Burst, Sequence
Standard Waveform Sine, Square, Ramp, Pulse, Noise, Arb, Harmonic
Built-in Arb Waveform 148 types of waveforms, including Sinc, Exponential Rise, Exponential Fall, ECG, Gaussian, HaverSine, and Lorentz.
Frequency Characteristics
Sequence 1 μSa/s to 312.5 MSa/s
Noise (-3 dB) Typical (0 dBm), >250 MHz bandwidth
Output Frequency Resolution 1       μHz or 12 digits
Accuracy –        ±10-6 of the setting (except Arb and sequence), 0℃ to 40℃

–        ±10-6 of the setting ± 1 μHz (Arb and sequence), 0℃ to 40℃

Output Characteristics
Amplitude Range (into 50 Ω) 1 mVpp to 10 Vpp
Amplitude Range (into HighZ) 2 mVpp to 20 Vpp
Amplitude Accuracy –        ±(1% of setting + 2 mVpp) (into 50 Ω)

–        ±(1% of setting + 5 mVpp) (into HighZ)

Amplitude Resolution 0.1 mVpp, 0.1 mVrms, 1 mV, 0.1 dBm or 4 digits (whichever is lower)
Amplitude Unit Vpp, Vrms, dBm, V
Offset Range –        (into 50 Ω) ±5 Vpk (ac + dc)

–        (into HighZ) ±10 Vpk (ac + dc)

Offset Accuracy –        (into 50 Ω) ±(1% of |setting| + 2 mV + 0.5% of amplitude (Vpp))

–        (into HighZ) ±(1% of |setting| + 5 mV + 1% of amplitude (Vpp))

Offset Resolution 1 mV or 4 digits
Output Impedance Typical (0 dBm, 0 Vdc), 50 Ω ± 1%
Protection Waveform outputs are automatically disabled when overloaded
Sine (50 Ω) Harmonic Distortion

–        Typical (0 dBm)

–        10 Hz to <10 MHz: <-60 dBc

–        ≥10 MHz: <-50 dBc

Total Harmonic Distortion (THD)

–        Typical (1 Vpp)

–        10 Hz to 20 kHz: <0.1%

Spurious (nonharmonic)

–        Typical (1 Vpp)

–        10 Hz to <10 MHz: <-65 dBc

–        ≥10 MHz: <-60 dBc

Phase Noise

–        Typical (1 Vpp, 10 kHz)

–        20 MHz: <-110 dBc/Hz

Residual Clock Noise

–        Typical (0 dBm), -60 dBm

Interchannel Crosstalk

–        Typical (1 Vpp, 0 V)

–        <-75 dBc

Amplitude Flatness

–        Typical (relative to 1 kHz Sine, 0 dBm)

–        <10 MHz: ±0.1 dB

–        ≥10 MHz: ±0.2 dB


–        -360° to +360°, 0.01° resolution


–        Rise/Fall Time Typical (≤2 Vpp amplitude, 50 Ω load), ≤3 ns

–        Overshoot Typical (0 dBm amplitude, >1 kHz frequency), <5%

–        Jitter (rms) Typical (0 dBm amplitude, >1 kHz frequency), 200 ps

–        Phase -360° to +360°, 0.01° resolution


–        Linearity Typical (1 kHz frequency, 1 Vpp amplitude, 100% symmetry)

–        ≤0.1% of peak output (10% to 90% amplitude)

–        Symmetry 0% to 100%

–        Phase -360° to +360°, 0.01° resolution


–        Pulse Width 9 ns to (pulse period – 9 ns)

–        Pulse Width Resolution 100 ps or 5 digits

–        Duty Cycle 0.01% to 99.99%

–        Rise/Fall Time 3 ns to 0.625*pulse period

–        Delay Time 0 ps to period – [pulse width + 0.8*(Leading Edge

–        Time + Trailing Edge Time)] (Continuous mode)

–        Overshoot Typical (0 dBm amplitude, >1 kHz frequency), <5%

–        Jitter (rms) Typical (0 dBm amplitude, >1 kHz frequency), 200 ps

–        Phase -360° to +360°, 0.01° resolution

–        Noise Type White noise


–        Rise/Fall Time Typical (<1 Vpp amplitude), ≤5 ns

–        Jitter (rms) Typical (0 dBm amplitude, >1 kHz frequency), 200 ps

–        Phase -360° to +360°, 0.01° resolution

Harmonic Output

–        Harmonic Order ≤20

–        Harmonic Type Order, Combine

–        Harmonic Amplitude The amplitude of each order of the harmonic can be set.

–        Harmonic Phase The phase of each order of the harmonic can be set.

Modulation Type: AM, FM, PM, ASK, FSK, PSK, PWM, SUM
AM –        Carrier Waveform: Sine, Square, Ramp, Arb (except DC)

–        Modulation Source: Internal/External

–        Internal Modulating Waveform: Sine, Square, Triangle, UpRamp, DnRamp, Noise, Arb

–        Modulation Depth: 0% to 120%

–        Internal Modulation Frequency: 1 mHz to 1 MHz

FM –        Carrier Waveform: Sine, Square, Ramp, Arb (except DC)

–        Modulation Source: Internal/External

–        Internal Modulating Waveform: Sine, Square, Triangle, UpRamp, DnRamp, Noise, Arb

–        Internal Modulation Frequency: 1 mHz to 1 MHz

PM –        Carrier Waveform: Sine, Square, Ramp, Arb (except DC)

–        Internal Modulation Source: Internal/External

–        Internal Modulating Waveform: Sine, Square, Triangle, UpRamp, DnRamp, Noise, Arb

–        Internal Modulation Frequency: 1 mHz to 1 MHz

–        Phase Deviation: 0° to 360°, 0.01° resolution

ASK/FSK/PSK –        Carrier Waveform: Sine, Square, Ramp, Arb (except DC)

–        Modulation Source: Internal/External

–        Internal Keying Frequency: 1 mHz to 1 MHz

–        No. of Levels: 2

PWM –        Carrier Waveform: Pulse

–        Modulation Source: Internal/External

–        Internal Modulating Waveform: Sine, Square, Triangle, UpRamp, DnRamp, Noise, Arb

–        Internal Modulation Frequency: 1 mHz to 1 MHz

–        Width Deviation: 0% to 49.99% of the pulse period

SUM –        Carrier Waveform: Sine, Square, Ramp, Arb (except DC)

–        Sum Source: Sine, Square, Ramp, Noise, Arb, channel waveform

–        Sum Ratio: 0% to 100% of the amplitude setting (Vpp)

Burst Characteristics Carrier Waveform: Sine, Square, Ramp, Noise, Arb (except DC)
Burst Count: 1 to 1,000,000/Infinite
Internal Burst Period: 4 μs to 8000 s
Burst Phase: -360° to +360°, 0.01° resolution
Trigger Delay: 0 ns to 20 s
Gate Source: External trigger
Trigger Source: Internal, External leading edge, external trailing edge, Manual
Sweep Characteristics Type: Linear, Log, Step
Carrier Waveform: Sine, Square, Ramp, Arb (except DC)
Sweep Time: 1 ms to 250,000 s
Start/Stop Frequency: Consistent with the upper/lower limit of the corresponding carrier frequency
Hold/Return Time: 0 s to 3600 s
Orientation: Up/Down
Trigger Source: Internal, External leading edge, external trailing edge, Manual
Mark: Falling edge of the sync signal (programmable)
Sequence Characteristics Sample Rate: 1 μSa/s to 312.5 MSa/s
Sample Rate Accuracy: 10-6 Sa/s
Sample Rate Resolution: 1 μSa/s or 12 digits
Sequence Length: 32 pts/CH to 2 Mpts/CH (8Mpts/CH optional)
No. of Waveform Entries: 64
Loop: 0 to 256
Filter Mode: Normal, Step, Interpolation
Frequency Counter Measurement Function: Frequency, period, positive pulse width, negative pulse width, duty cycle
Input Impedance: 50 Ω ± 2%, 1 MΩ ± 5%
Counter Accuracy: 0 to 250 MHz: 7 digits, 250 MHz to 500 MHz: 6 digits
Trigger Level: 0 V
Input Coupling Mode:
– 50 Ω Load DC coupling
– 1 MΩ Load AC/DC coupling
Input Amplitude:
– 50 Ω Load 100 mVpp to 2 Vpp
– 1 MΩ Load 500 mVpp to 5 Vpp (Vac + dc)
Input Disruptive Level:
– 50 Ω Load 4 Vpp
– 1 MΩ Load 5 Vpp
Input Frequency Range Mode
– 50 Ω Load, 0 to 250 MHz, 250 MHz
– 500 MHz. 1 MΩ Load 0 to 250 MHz
Effective Signal Frequency:
– 50 Ω Load DC to 500 MHz
– 1 MΩ Load DC to 250 MHz (DC coupling)
– HF Reject 60 kHz/None (available only for 1 MΩ load) connector BNC, on the rear panel
AUX IN/OUT Characteristics
  External Modulation Input:
– Input Range: ASK, FSK, PSK: 3.3 V logic level and AM, FM, PM, PWM: ±5V full range
– Frequency Range: DC to 100 kHz (1 MSa/s)
– Input Impedance: 10 kΩ ± 10%
External Trigger/Gated Burst Input:
– Level: TTL-compatible
– Impedance: 10 kΩ ± 10%
– Edge: Positive/negative(selectable)
– Min. Pulse Width: 100 ns
– Trigger Delay Range: 0 ns to 20 s
– Trigger Delay Resolution: 100 ps or 5 digits
– Jitter (rms): Typical (trigger input to signal output, Burst mode), 1.5 ns
Trigger Output:
– Level: TTL-compatible
– Output Impedance: 50 Ω ± 5%
– Jitter (rms): Typical (Continuous mode), 1.5 ns
Sync Output:
– Level: TTL-compatible
– Impedance: 50 Ω ± 5%
10 MHz In/Out Characteristics
External Reference Input:
– Impedance: 1 kΩ
– Input Coupling: AC coupling
– Required Input Voltage: 100 mVpp to 5 Vpp
– Lock Range: 10 MHz ± 100 Hz
Internal Reference:
– Output Impedance: 50 Ω
– Output Coupling: AC coupling
– Level: Typical (50 Ω Load), 1.2 Vpp


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Optional Accessories
RA5040K 40 dB Attenuator (50 Ω, 1 W)
Upgrade Options


DG800Pro-3RL 8 Mpts/CH Memory Depth Upgrade Option
DG800Pro-DCH Two-channel Upgrade Option (for DG821 Pro only)

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