
Sefelec 1500M


Sefelec 1500M

Sefelec 1500M til måling af høje modstande, Tera-ohmmeter, isolationsmåler & pico-ammeter.

Sefelec 1500M til måling af modstande op til 2000 Tohm, med testspænding op til 1500 VDC (option 100 kV). Meget lav strøm opløsning fra 0,01 pA.

Ideelt instrument til:
* Kabel produktion, f.eks. leder til kappe måling
* Isolation materialer, papir, keramik, plastik, isolatorer ect.
* Komponenter, kondensatorer, modstande, connectorer, afbrydere ect.
* Transformerer, spoler og elektriske motorer.
* Bil industri, muffer og samlinger ect.
* Tera-Ohmmeter fra 100 ohm til 2000 Tohm
* Pico-Ammeter fra 20,00 pA til 20,00 mA
* Målespænding regulerbar fra 1 V tuil 1500 VDC. (Option: op til 100 kV med en ekstern DC kilde.)
* 7″ TFT multi touch skærm 16 M farver.
* Native Ethernet / RS232 / USB / PLC / 0-10 V /CAN, IEEE488-2 interface option.
* Dimensioner, vægt: 131 x 440 x 455 mm, ca. 15 kg.

Automatisk og manuel område valg. Stor intern hukommelse for instrument setop og hukommelse for målte data.

SEFA-SE15 : “insulation – Sense cable end with a probe – 1,5 meter + Lemo Connector, ex TE17”
SEFA-HV15 : “insulation – high voltage cable end with 4mm plug – 1,5 meter + Lemo Connector, ex CO19”
SEFA-HVSE15-10 : Insulation: Set of 2 x 10m length cable, one end with lemo connectors (HV or SE), the other ends are free cable for hardwire connections to test bench
SEFA-RE15 : insulation – Set of 2 cables to connect REMA standard resistor to the megohmmeter – 0.5 meter (ex CO58)
SEFA-AD5X-M15 : M1501M/U/P to SEFELEC1500-M HV connections external adaptor
SEFA-KR : SEFELEC Series 19″ Rack Mounting Adaptors
SEFA-AO10 : Dual Palm remote switch – cable 2m
SEFA-1500MHRT : Humidity and Temperature measurement probe for SEFELEC Series / USB
SEFA-SRE24 : insulation – guard ring measurement electrode for surface / volumic measurement (SEFELEC1500M Only)

SEFO-IEEE488 : SEFELEC Series IEEE488-2 / GPIB interface
SEFO-1500MREAR : Rear Connections for SEFELEC1500M
SEFO-5X2TO : 2 TOhms measurement range
SEFO-C0160 : SEFELEC Series Green/Red safety lamp
SEFO-BAPA : Protection interface for megohmmeter SEFELEC1500M when using an external power supply to get more than 1500 Vdc ; can be used up to 10 kV DC without RLHT. Delivered with cables to connect to SEFELEC1500M & D.U.T.
RLHT 50-3K : 11 kV up to 50 kV protection resistance for BAPA
RLHT 70-6K : 11 kV up to 70 kV protection resistance for BAPA
SYWinpass-MX : “Winpass MX software for XS & SEFELEC series, MGR10, (see tech file for all other devices) – works with Ethernet, RS232 or GPIB interface – works under Windows™ 7 32/64 bits and Windows™ 10 – (english, french, german, russian)”
